4.3.3 Jobs and Cronjobs

Working with Jobs and Cronjobs.

Jobs are different from normal Deployments: Jobs execute a time-constrained operation and report the result as soon as they are finished; think of a batch job. To achieve this, a Job creates a Pod and runs a defined command. A Job isn’t limited to create a single Pod, it can also create multiple Pods. When a Job is deleted, the Pods started (and stopped) by the Job are also deleted.

For example, a Job is used to ensure that a Pod is run until its completion. If a Pod fails, for example because of a Node error, the Job starts a new one. A Job can also be used to start multiple Pods in parallel.

More detailed information can be retrieved from OpenShifts Jobs Documentation.

Task Create a Job for a MySQL Dump

As an example we want to create a dump of a running Maria database, but without the need of interactively logging into the Pod.

Let’s first create the Maria deployment.

oc new-app mariadb-ephemeral \
   -pMYSQL_USER=appuio \
   -pMYSQL_PASSWORD=appuio \

Let’s first look at the Job resource that we want to create.

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: mysql-dump
      - name: mysql
        image: mysql:5.7
        - 'bash'
        - '-eo'
        - 'pipefail'
        - '-c'
        - >
          trap "echo Backup failed; exit 0" ERR;
          FILENAME=backup-${MYSQL_DATABASE}-`date +%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S`.sql.gz;
          mysqldump --user=${MYSQL_USER} --password=${MYSQL_PASSWORD} --host=${MYSQL_HOST} --port=${MYSQL_PORT} --skip-lock-tables --quick --add-drop-database --routines ${MYSQL_DATABASE} | gzip > /tmp/$FILENAME;
          echo "";
          echo "Backup successful"; du -h /tmp/$FILENAME;                    
        - name: MYSQL_DATABASE
          value: appuio
        - name: MYSQL_USER
          value: appuio
        - name: MYSQL_HOST
          value: mariadb
        - name: MYSQL_PORT
          value: "3306"
        - name: MYSQL_PASSWORD
              key: database-password
              name: mariadb
      restartPolicy: Never


The parameter .spec.template.spec.containers[0].image shows that we use the same image as the running database. In contrast to the database Pod, we don’t start a database afterwards, but run a mysqldump command, specified with .spec.template.spec.containers[0].command. To perform the dump, we use the environment variables of the database deployment to set the hostname, user and password parameters of the mysqldump command. The MYSQL_PASSWORD variable refers to the value of the secret, which is already used for the database Pod. Like this we ensure that the dump is performed with the same credentials.

Let’s create our Job: Create a file job_mysql-dump.yaml with the content above:

oc create -f ./job_mysql-dump.yaml

Check if the Job was successful:

oc describe jobs/mysql-dump

The executed Pod can be shown as follows:

oc get pods

To show all Pods belonging to a Job in a human-readable format, the following command can be used:

oc get pods --selector=job-name=mysql-dump --output=go-template='{{range .items}}{{.metadata.name}}{{end}}'


A Kubernetes CronJob is nothing else than a resource which creates a Job at a defined time, which in turn starts (as we saw in the previous section) a Pod to run a command. Typical use cases are cleanup Jobs, which tidy up old data for a running Pod, or a Job to regularly create and save a database dumps, batch jobs that create reports and so on.

Further information can be found at the OpenShift CronJob Documentation.

apiVersion: batch/v1beta1
kind: CronJob
  name: mysql-backup
  concurrencyPolicy: Forbid
            - name: mysql-backup
              image: mysql:5.7
                - "bash"
                - "-eo"
                - "pipefail"
                - "-c"
                - >
                  trap "echo Backup failed; exit 0" ERR;
                  FILENAME=backup-${MYSQL_DATABASE}-`date +%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S`.sql.gz;
                  mysqldump --user=${MYSQL_USER} --password=${MYSQL_PASSWORD} --host=${MYSQL_HOST} --port=${MYSQL_PORT} --skip-lock-tables --quick --add-drop-database --routines ${MYSQL_DATABASE} | gzip > /tmp/$FILENAME;
                  echo "";
                  echo "Backup successful"; du -h /tmp/$FILENAME;                                    
                - name: MYSQL_DATABASE
                      key: database-name
                      name: mysql
                - name: MYSQL_USER
                      key: database-user
                      name: mariadb
                - name: MYSQL_HOST
                  value: mysql
                - name: MYSQL_PORT
                  value: "3306"
                - name: MYSQL_PASSWORD
                      key: database-password
                      name: mariadb
          restartPolicy: OnFailure
          backoffLimit: 3
  schedule: 12 23 * * *


Let’s now create a CronJob that executes our Backup every day at the same time. Create a file cronjob_mysql-dump.yaml with the content above:

oc create -f cronjob_mysql-dump.yaml

And use the following command to explore the new resource:

oc get cronjob mysql-backup -o yaml