4.3.2 Requests and Limits

Understanding Requests and Limits and how to use them.

In this lab, we are going to look at ResourceQuotas and LimitRanges. As OpenShift users, we are most certainly going to encounter the limiting effects that ResourceQuotas and LimitRanges impose.

Task Check project setup

We first check that the project is ready for the lab.

Ensure that the LAB_USER environment variable is set.

echo $LAB_USER

If the result is empty, set the LAB_USER environment variable.

command hint
export LAB_USER=<username>

Change to your <username>-resources Project.

oc project ${LAB_USER}-resources


ResourceQuotas among other things limit the amount of resources Pods can use in a Namespace. They can also be used to limit the total number of a certain resource type in a Project. In more detail, there are these kinds of quotas:

  • Compute ResourceQuotas can be used to limit the amount of memory and CPU
  • Storage ResourceQuotas can be used to limit the total amount of storage and the number of PersistentVolumeClaims, generally or specific to a StorageClass
  • Object count quotas can be used to limit the number of a certain resource type such as Services, Pods or Secrets

Defining ResourceQuotas makes sense when the cluster administrators want to have better control over consumed resources. A typical use case are public offerings where users pay for a certain guaranteed amount of resources which must not be exceeded.

In order to check for defined quotas in your Namespace, simply see if there are any of type ResourceQuota:

oc get resourcequota --namespace ${LAB_USER}-resources

To show in detail what kinds of limits the quota imposes:

oc describe resourcequota <quota-name> --namespace ${LAB_USER}-resources

For more details, have look into OpenShifts documentation about resource quotas.

Requests and limits

As we’ve already seen, compute ResourceQuotas limit the amount of memory and CPU we can use in a Project. Only defining a ResourceQuota, however is not going to have an effect on Pods that don’t define the amount of resources they want to use. This is where the concept of limits and requests comes into play.

Limits and requests on a Pod, or rather on a container in a Pod, define how much memory and CPU this container wants to consume at least (request) and at most (limit). Requests mean that the container will be guaranteed to get at least this amount of resources, limits represent the upper boundary which cannot be crossed. Defining these values helps OpenShift in determining on which Node to schedule the Pod, because it knows how many resources should be available for it.

Defining limits and requests on a Pod that has one container looks like this:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: lr-demo
  namespace: lr-example
  - name: lr-demo-ctr
    image: nginx
        memory: "200Mi"
        cpu: "700m"
        memory: "200Mi"
        cpu: "700m"

You can see the familiar binary unit “Mi” is used for the memory value. Other binary (“Gi”, “Ki”, …) or decimal units (“M”, “G”, “K”, …) can be used as well.

The CPU value is denoted as “m”. “m” stands for millicpu or sometimes also referred to as millicores where "1000m" is equal to one core/vCPU/hyperthread.

Quality of service

Setting limits and requests on containers has yet another effect: It might change the Pod’s Quality of Service class. There are three such QoS classes:

  • Guaranteed
  • Burstable
  • BestEffort

The Guaranteed QoS class is applied to Pods that define both limits and requests for both memory and CPU resources on all their containers. The most important part is that each request has the same value as the limit. Pods that belong to this QoS class will never be killed by the scheduler because of resources running out on a Node.

The Burstable QoS class means that limits and requests on a container are set, but they are different. It is enough to define limits and requests on one container of a Pod even though there might be more, and it also only has to define limits and requests on memory or CPU, not necessarily both.

The BestEffort QoS class applies to Pods that do not define any limits and requests at all on any containers. As its class name suggests, these are the kinds of Pods that will be killed by the scheduler first if a Node runs out of memory or CPU. As you might have already guessed by now, if there are no BestEffort QoS Pods, the scheduler will begin to kill Pods belonging to the class of Burstable. A Node hosting only Pods of class Guaranteed will (theoretically) never run out of resources.


As you now know what limits and requests are, we can come back to the statement made above:

So if a cluster administrator wanted to make sure that every Pod in the cluster counted against the compute ResourceQuota, the administrator would have to have a way of defining some kind of default limits and requests that were applied if none were defined in the containers. This is exactly what LimitRanges are for.

Quoting the Kubernetes documentation, LimitRanges can be used to:

  • Enforce minimum and maximum compute resource usage per Pod or container in a Namespace
  • Enforce minimum and maximum storage request per PersistentVolumeClaim in a Namespace
  • Enforce a ratio between request and limit for a resource in a Namespace
  • Set default request/limit for compute resources in a Namespace and automatically inject them to containers at runtime

If for example a container did not define any requests or limits and there was a LimitRange defining default values, these default values would be used when deploying said container. However, as soon as limits or requests were defined, the default values would no longer be applied.

The possibility of enforcing minimum and maximum resources and defining ResourceQuotas per Namespace allows for many combinations of resource control.

Task Namespace

Check whether your Namespace contains a LimitRange:

oc describe limitrange --namespace ${LAB_USER}-resources

Above command should output this (name and Namespace will vary):

Name:       limits
Namespace:  <username>-resources
Type        Resource  Min  Max  Default Request  Default Limit  Max Limit/Request Ratio
----        --------  ---  ---  ---------------  -------------  -----------------------
Container   memory    -    -    16Mi             32Mi           -
Container   cpu       -    -    10m              100m           -

Check whether a ResourceQuota exists in your Namespace:

oc describe quota --namespace ${LAB_USER}-resources

Above command could (must not) output this (name and Namespace will vary):

Name:            compute-quota
Namespace:       <username>-resources
Resource         Used  Hard
--------         ----  ----
requests.cpu     0     100m
requests.memory  0     100Mi

Task Default memory limit

Create a Pod using the polinux/stress image:

oc run stress2much --image=polinux/stress --namespace ${LAB_USER}-resources --command -- stress --vm 1 --vm-bytes 85M --vm-hang 1

Watch the Pod’s creation with:

oc get pods --watch --namespace ${LAB_USER}-resources

You should see something like the following:

NAME          READY   STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
stress2much   0/1     ContainerCreating   0          1s
stress2much   0/1     ContainerCreating   0          2s
stress2much   0/1     OOMKilled           0          5s
stress2much   1/1     Running             1          7s
stress2much   0/1     OOMKilled           1          9s
stress2much   0/1     CrashLoopBackOff    1          20s

The stress2much Pod was OOM (out of memory) killed. We can see this in the STATUS field. Another way to find out why a Pod was killed is by checking its status. Output the Pod’s YAML definition:

oc get pod stress2much --output yaml --namespace ${LAB_USER}-resources

Near the end of the output you can find the relevant status part:

  - containerID: docker://da2473f1c8ccdffbb824d03689e9fe738ed689853e9c2643c37f206d10f93a73
    image: polinux/stress:latest
        reason: OOMKilled

So let’s look at the numbers to verify the container really had too little memory. We started the stress command using parameter --vm-bytes 85M which means the process wants to allocate 85 megabytes of memory. Again looking at the Pod’s YAML definition with:

oc get pod stress2much --output yaml --namespace ${LAB_USER}-resources

reveals the following values:

        cpu: 100m
        memory: 32Mi
        cpu: 10m
        memory: 16Mi

These are the values from the LimitRange, and the defined limit of 32 MiB of memory prevents the stress process of ever allocating the desired 85 MB.

Let’s fix this by recreating the Pod and explicitly setting the memory request to 85 MB:

oc delete pod stress2much --namespace ${LAB_USER}-resources
oc run stress --image=polinux/stress --limits=memory=100Mi --requests=memory=85Mi --namespace ${LAB_USER}-resources --command -- stress --vm 1 --vm-bytes 85M --vm-hang 1

You should now see that the Pod is successfully running:

stress   1/1     Running   0          25s

Task Hitting the quota

Create another Pod, again using the polinux/stress image. This time our application is less demanding and only needs 10 MB of memory (--vm-bytes 10M):

oc run overbooked --image=polinux/stress --namespace ${LAB_USER}-resources --command -- stress --vm 1 --vm-bytes 10M --vm-hang 1

We are immediately confronted with an error message:

Error from server (Forbidden): pods "overbooked" is forbidden: exceeded quota: lab-quota, requested: memory=16Mi, used: memory=85Mi, limited: memory=100Mi

The default request value of 16 MiB of memory that was automatically set on the Pod lets us hit the quota which in turn prevents us from creating the Pod.

Let’s have a closer look at the quota with:

oc get quota --output yaml --namespace ${LAB_USER}-resources

which should output the following YAML definition:

      cpu: 100m
      memory: 100Mi
      cpu: 20m
      memory: 80Mi

The most interesting part is the quota’s status which reveals that we cannot use more than 100 MiB of memory and that 80 MiB are already used.

Fortunately our application can live with less memory than what the LimitRange sets. Let’s set the request to the remaining 10 MiB:

oc run overbooked --image=polinux/stress --limits=memory=16Mi --requests=memory=10Mi --namespace ${LAB_USER}-resources --command -- stress --vm 1 --vm-bytes 10M --vm-hang 1

Even though the limits of both Pods combined overstretch the quota, the requests do not and so the Pods are allowed to run.