4.1 Tekton Pipelines
It is time to automate the deployment of our Quarkus application to OpenShift by using OpenShift Pipelines. OpenShift Pipelines are based on Tekton. In this example we will use the namespace to follow along the previous chapters. If you don’t have your Kafka cluster, data-producer and data-consumer up and running please repeat the previous chapter to be ready to continue! We will create another microservice which consumes the same stream of data and transform the data to calculate a simple average count.
Task 4.1.1: Basic Concepts
Tekton makes use of several Kubernetes custom resources (CRD).
These CRDs are:
- Task: A collection of steps that perform a specific task.
- Pipeline: A series of tasks, combined to work together in a defined (structured) way
- TaskRun: The execution and result of running an instance of a task
- PipelineRun: The actual execution of a whole Pipeline, containing the results of the pipeline (success, failed…)
Pipelines and tasks should be generic and must never define possible variables - such as ‘input git repository’ - directly in their definition. The concrete PipelineRun will get the parameters, that are being used inside the pipeline.
Workspaces are used to share the data between Tasks and Steps.
Static definition of a Pipeline
For each task, a pod will be allocated and for each step inside this task, a container will be used.
Runtime view of a Pipeline showing mapping to pods and containers
Task 4.1.2: Check project setup
We first check that the project is ready for the lab.
Ensure that the LAB_USER
environment variable is set.
echo $LAB_USER
If the result is empty, set the LAB_USER
environment variable.
command hint
export LAB_USER=<username>
Change to your main Project.
command hint
oc project $LAB_USER
The OpenShift Pipeline operator automatically creates a pipeline ServiceAccount with all required permissions to build and push an image. This service account is used by PipelineRuns. List the service accounts of your project.
command hint
oc get ServiceAccount
Or use the abbreviation:
oc get sa
Output listing the pipeline service account:
builder 2 11s
default 2 11s
deployer 2 11s
pipeline 2 11s
Task 4.1.3: Tekton CLI tkn
For additional features, we are going to add another CLI that eases access to the Tekton resources and gives you more direct access to the OpenShift Pipeline semantics:
Verify tkn version by running:
tkn version
Client version: 0.10.0
Pipeline version: unknown
Triggers version: unknown
Task 4.1.4: Create Pipeline tasks
A Task is the smallest block of a Pipeline, which by itself can contain one or more steps. These steps are executed to process a specific element. For each task, a pod is allocated and each step is running in a container inside this pod. Tasks are reusable by other Pipelines. Input and Output specifications can be used to interact with other tasks.
You can find more examples of reusable tasks in the Tekton Catalog and OpenShift Catalog repositories.Let’s examine the task that does a deployment. Create the local file <workspace>/deploy-task.yaml
with the following content:
apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: Task
name: apply-manifests
- name: source
- name: manifest-dir
description: The directory in source that contains yaml manifests
type: string
default: 'openshift/templates'
- name: apply
image: appuio/oc:v4.5
workingDir: $(workspaces.source.path)
command: ["/bin/bash", "-c"]
- |-
echo Applying manifests in $(inputs.params.manifest-dir) directory
oc apply -f $(inputs.params.manifest-dir)
echo -----------------------------------
Let’s create the task.
command hint
oc apply -f deploy-task.yaml
Expected output:
tkn task.tekton.dev/apply-manifests created
Using the Tekton CLI, verify that the task has been created:
tkn task ls
apply-manifests 19 seconds ago
Task 4.1.5: Create a Pipeline
A pipeline is a set of tasks, which should be executed in a defined way to achieve a specific goal.
It first uses the Task git-clone, which is a default task the OpenShift operator created automatically. This task will check out the defined git repository with the needed Dockerfile. The next task buildah will build the image. The resulted image is pushed to an image registry, defined by the image-name parameter. After that, the created tasks apply-manifest is executed. The execution order of these tasks is defined with the runAfter Parameter in the YAML definition.
The Pipeline should be reusable across multiple projects or environments, that’s why the resources (git-repo and image) are not defined here. When a Pipeline is executed, these resources will get defined by the parameters.Create the following pipeline <workspace>/deploy-pipeline.yaml
apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: Pipeline
name: build-and-deploy
- name: git-url
type: string
description: git repo url
- name: git-revision
type: string
description: git repo revision
- name: deployment-name
type: string
description: name of the deployment to be patched
- name: docker-file
description: Path to the Dockerfile
default: 'src/main/docker/Dockerfile.binary'
- name: image-name
description: name of the resulting image (inclusive registry)
- name: manifest-dir
description: location of the OpenShift templates
default: 'src/main/openshift/templates'
- name: git-checkout
- name: deleteExisting
value: 'true'
- name: url
value: $(params.git-url)
- name: revision
value: $(params.git-revision)
kind: ClusterTask
name: git-clone
- name: output
workspace: source-workspace
- name: build-image
name: buildah
kind: ClusterTask
value: 'false'
value: $(params.docker-file)
- name: IMAGE
value: $(params.image-name)
- git-checkout
- name: source
workspace: source-workspace
- name: apply-manifests
name: apply-manifests
- name: manifest-dir
value: $(params.manifest-dir)
- build-image
- name: source
workspace: source-workspace
- name: source-workspace
Create the Pipeline.
command hint
oc apply -f deploy-pipeline.yaml
which will result in: pipeline.tekton.dev/build-and-deploy created
Using the Tekton CLI, verify that the Pipeline has been created:
tkn pipeline ls
build-and-deploy 19 seconds ago --- --- --- ---
Task 4.1.6: Prepare persistent workspace
The data for the tasks is shared by a common workspace. We use a Persistent Volume, short PV, to back our workspace and make it persistent. The PV is requested by a Persistent Volume Claim, short PVC.
Create the following resource definition for a PVC inside <workspace>/workspaces-pvc.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: pipeline-workspace
storage: 2Gi
volumeMode: Filesystem
- ReadWriteOnce
Create the PVC.
command hint
oc apply -f workspaces-pvc.yaml
which will result in: persistentvolumeclaim/pipeline-workspace created
Now we are ready to build and deploy our new microservice using a Tekton pipeline.
Task 4.1.7: Trigger Pipeline
After the Pipeline has been created, it can be triggered to execute the tasks. Since the Pipeline is generic, we have to provide the concrete values.
Following parameters are needed to configure the pipeline to deploy the data-transformer component:
- git-url: Git repository of the transformer
- git-revision: revision (branch/tag) of the repository
- docker-file: path to the Dockerfile inside the repository
- image-name: image name (incl. registry) of the resulting image
- manifest-dir: path to directory inside the repository that contains the yaml manifests
Create PipelineRun Resources
Creating PipelineRun Resources will trigger the pipeline.
We use a template to adapt the image registry URL to match to your project.Create the following openshift template <workspace>/pipeline-run-template.yaml
apiVersion: template.openshift.io/v1
kind: Template
name: pipeline-run-template
description: 'Template to create project specific PipelineRuns.'
- apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: PipelineRun
generateName: build-and-deploy-run-
tekton.dev/pipeline: build-and-deploy
- name: deployment-name
value: data-transformer
- name: docker-file
value: src/main/docker/Dockerfile.binary
- name: git-revision
value: master
- name: git-url
value: https://github.com/puzzle/quarkus-techlab-data-transformer.git
- name: image-name
value: image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/${PROJECT_NAME}/data-transformer:latest
- name: manifest-dir
value: src/main/openshift/templates
name: build-and-deploy
serviceAccountName: pipeline
timeout: 1h0m0s
- name: source-workspace
claimName: pipeline-workspace
- description: OpenShift Project Name
required: true
Create the PipelineRun by processing the template and creating the generated resources:
oc process -f pipeline-run-template.yaml \
--param=PROJECT_NAME=$(oc project -q) \
| oc create -f-
which will result in: pipelinerun.tekton.dev/build-and-deploy-run-5wxbf created
This will create and execute a PipelineRun. Use the command tkn pipelinerun logs build-and-deploy-run-5wxbf -f -n $LAB_USER
to display the logs.
The PipelineRuns can be listed with:
tkn pipelinerun ls
build-and-deploy-run-5wxbf 9 seconds ago --- Running
Moreover, the logs can be viewed with the following command and selecting the appropriate Pipeline and PipelineRun:
tkn pipeline logs
Execute Pipelines using tkn
Alternatively we can also trigger a Pipeline using the tkn cli.
Start the Pipeline for the data-transformer:
tkn pipeline start build-and-deploy \
-p git-url='https://github.com/puzzle/quarkus-techlab-data-transformer.git' \
-p git-revision='master' \
-p docker-file='src/main/docker/Dockerfile.binary' \
-p image-name="image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/$(oc project -q)/data-transformer:latest" \
-p manifest-dir='src/main/openshift/templates' \
-p deployment-name=data-transformer \
-s pipeline \
-w name=source-workspace,claimName=pipeline-workspace
This will create and execute a PipelineRun. Use the same commands as listed above to check the progress of the run.
Task 4.1.8: OpenShift WebUI
Go to the developer view of the WebUI of OpenShift and select your pipeline project.
Do you remember that you did not create any Deployment for your application? That has been done by your Tekton pipeline.
With the OpenShift Pipeline operator, a new menu item is introduced to the WebUI of OpenShift named Pipelines. All Tekton CLI commands, which are used above, could be replaced with the web interface. The big advantage is the graphical presentation of Pipelines and their lifetime.
Checking your application
Check the logs of your data-transformer microservice. You will see that he will start to log average data consumed from the data stream.
Example log output:
16:05:03 INFO traceId=, spanId=, sampled= [ch.pu.qu.re.bo.ReactiveDataTransformer] (vert.x-eventloop-thread-1) Received reactive message
16:05:03 INFO traceId=, spanId=, sampled= [ch.pu.qu.re.bo.ReactiveDataTransformer] (vert.x-eventloop-thread-1) Current average: 0.5402286381615338
16:05:05 INFO traceId=, spanId=, sampled= [ch.pu.qu.re.bo.ReactiveDataTransformer] (vert.x-eventloop-thread-1) Received reactive message
16:05:05 INFO traceId=, spanId=, sampled= [ch.pu.qu.re.bo.ReactiveDataTransformer] (vert.x-eventloop-thread-1) Current average: 0.5443646390092566
High quality and secure Pipeline
This was just an example for a pipeline, that builds and deploys a container image to OpenShift. There are lots of security features missing.
Check out the Puzzle delivery pipeline concept for further information.
Links and Sources
- Tekton
- Understanding OpenShift Pipelines
- Creating CI/CD solutions for applications using OpenShift Pipelines
- Pipeline-Tutorial
- Interactive OpenShift Pipelines tutorialon learn.openshift.com
The needed resource files are available inside the folder manifests/04.0/4.1/ of the techlab github repository.
If you weren’t successful, you can update your project with the solution by cloning the Techlab Repository git clone https://github.com/puzzle/amm-techlab.git
and executing this command:
oc apply -f manifests/04.0/4.1/